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Practical Prophecy v.1 Practical Prophecy v.2 The Impartation Washington Spring Alyen Bookbinding (video) Beyond Conservative


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The Impartation (969kb) Washington Spring (1.57mb) Alyen (5.25mb) Practical Prophecy 1 (877kb) Practical Prophecy 2 (766kb)

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Author Gary Hughes: The Story Behind Washington Spring

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"The more things change, the more they stay the same."That statement, more than any other, seems to characterize the politics of our day. People aren't happy, they know what they have isn't right, but every reformer seems to come in with more of the same. It all seems to revolve around socialism, working toward internationalism: bigger government, higher spending, more debt, more control. No matter what they promise us, that's what we get.

They say, "don't get mad, get even." So I did. I wrote a book, in which the good guys win. A book where we see heartland Americans as very good guys. A book where some of the bad guys get their reward, and others find themselves changing sides. A book where prayers get answered, a dollar is worth its weight in gold, local is better than national, and gun control means using both hands Character List... Click to download a free sample PDF from Washington Spring (1.6 mb)

Gary Hughes, author of Washington Spring

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This has been a fun book to write! It kind of did something for me to sit down and just say this is what I'd like to see!

Washington Spring is heavily based in fact and while the characters are fictional, organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations are all too real. In the early years of the twentieth century a man named Edward Mandel House wrote a book called Philip Dru, Administrator. The book served as a blueprint for a good share of Roosevelt's New Deal as well as a foreshadowing for much else that came to pass. While it might be too much to expect my book might have a similar impact, we could only hope… More about Gary Hughes, here.

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